Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Aesop's Fables
If you cannot find a copy of Aesop's fable, or if you can't afford it (but can afford to go online or buy computer), or you just prefer to have an e-copy of the book, please click this link -- Aesop's Fable.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Whose friend knows me best.. by Lacey Mosley
Shy, silent type, emo or rocker, cute, that's how people discribe me, sometimes they would even say "you're kind,generous, humble". But behind saying those things, my question is that "do they know me?". I was staring outside the window when I asked myself, am I really me? am I showing the real me? or am I just pretending to be somebody whom I am not . Millions of stars watchin' me cry but nobody's listening to me as I shout. Everything's hidden inside me. Only the starS, trees, pens, papers, books and music instruments knows my hidden emotions. Why can't i bring them out? There are times I am wondering, "how could these things be happening?". Why do I have a lot of friends inspite of not saying everything inside this heart of mine. Who will I blame of being someone I must not be. Am I really showing the real me? These papers and pens around me help me much, these instruments help me bring out the best inside me. I always write, I shout and scream using them. There are times while i'm in a room of white walls with nothing to hear but the tick-tock of the cllock, a question passed my mind "what is pretension?" Am I pretending or am I showing the real me?.
Friends help me much. They have been my relatives for so long. They are my shoulder to lean on. To listen and to watch is are the common jobs of friends. I do have two kinds of friends, my old closest friend and my best friend. I love them both so much, but I am wonderin' who among them both knows me best. My old closest friend. Actually I never called her my best friend because she never wanted to be called so. We've been friends for 4 years and for those years, we've had millions of memories together. We've laugh together and cried beside each other. I can't compare our friendship to anything. We always make time together. With her I cried, her shoulders became my strenght and her voice, advices and messages inspired me. She changed my pessimistic thinking to optimistic mind. We've been in a lot of battle. And it's a miracle we're still together inspite of all the misunderstandings that we had. We've been together for so long and our weakness is our strenght. But i'm still shy to tell her some things. I don't know how we became very much contented having each other and confident together. We always say "Live your life inside a dream".
Rock music, that's what tied me and my best friend. I love rock music because it helps me express my deepest emotions and so he is. In him, I can tell anything but I can't do everything. whatever kind of word I wanted to say can be bring out when I am with him, but I cannot cry when I am with him. I just don't know why. But, he knows a lot of things about me. My Best friend helps me ease my pain and he makes me laugh. There comes a time that I am very much desperate to hear his voice and when that time comes, I just listen to the songs we used to sing, I just can't take him out of my mind. we became best friends because I helped him more than he helped me. When I am with him my whispers turns to shouting and my shouting turns to tears, then after sometime my tears turns to laughter and it will all take away my fears. He tells me his secrets 'cause I want it and i'll listen intensively. That's how we spent our time together. We're living together by saying "Our music will bind us and our friendship will keep us forever.
Millions of memories are treasured inside my heart. My memories with my friends will always live in me. Remembering our unbridled outburst of emotions, deafening me. It paralyzes me knowing I can't choose who's the best. They both know me much, but who's friend knows me best? I love them both and I am very much craving to hear their voice. They gave me a prommise to love and treasure me forever. So I will always keep them. But still my question is not answered, who's friend knows me best? My old closest friend who dreams with me or my best friend who cries and laughhs with me. They both list5en to me and I never wanted to run away from them. I'm feeling so inspired having them. Even if i'm selfish fake, they're still a true friend. I can always come to them. Will I go to my old closest friend who lives life with her perfect words and dreams or will I go to my best friend who lives life the way he wanted it to be, as freely as he can. I can't choose, all that I can think is that I won't say farewell to them. I'll live my life with them, dream my greatest dreams together with them and play my kind of music forever with them.
"I'm a silent type of person but there are times that i'm very much talkative. I always go to what is majority, I mean I usually go to where my friends go. I usually present myself with eyeliner and my bangs covering my eyes. I love listening to my kind of music, reading novels, watching movies and writing poems. I love music so much, the reason why I can now write my poem. Screamo is the type of music I do listen. Because through this type of music I can shout and scream. For some it was considered noise but for me it's a type of melody that helps me bring out my deepest emotions. It may not have a good background sound for some but if they try to understand the lyrics, the message of the song, they would certainly love it. Reading novels is one of my best past times, because reading helps me improve to whatever knowledge I have now. After reading sometime, i'll write my own poem. Writing is one of the best practices I perform to improve my knowledge. Actually I have my notepad of poems and essays to review how deep and wide my intelligence is. I also love watching it's one of the best past times. Because i'm enjoying at the same time i'm learning. I don't like too much girly stuffs. I hate using shoulder bags. What I like is using backpack and body bag. I sometimes use doll shoes but most of the time I use rubber shoes (chuck taylor). I hate wearing skirt I just use pants. I'm using girly blouses but I use t-shirts more. That's me, a simple person who loves to live my life on how I want it to be." -- Lacey Mosley
Best practice,
Lacey Mosley,
Rock music,
Goodbye My Idol by Rostok Vampire
Michael Jackson during a certain era,he is the best performer for me, because he gives inspirations to all people and other performers in music industry. during on his childhood stage,he performed with his brothers with energy and he gives unidentify feelings especially to the people, even me i dont know how to explain the feelings that i feel if he perform.
when i was a child, I think I'm 5 years old that time was my fisrt time to hear the music of Michael Jackson, my first time hear that my respond is to dance all the time and I performed in front of my parents and relatives everyday i request to my mom to play the CD of Michael Jackson "Smooth Criminal". after 10 years,I listening the other songs of Michael Jackson like Billie Jean, Beat it, Thriller, and Bad.I'm very excited when I watching his concert, I'm so surprise when he perform in the stage to sing and to dance and also the special effects that he show to the audiences. During 90's his music are continued and he release 2 albums if I not mistaken, the new single songs that time are Black or White,Heal the world, and remember the time.But after that his music are gone after the controversial
that he involved in sexual chid abuse, for me as a fun I'm not believe to that issue because I know him and I know he can'y do that because he likes children and I know his reasons why he adopting the children.After that his music are gone totally and he face it that issue with strength and determination but all of his sacrifices to face the problems and trials he won in the case.
after a year he is back and he stand again with new lessons of his life so when the time comes in the year 2000 or 2002 he performed again in the stage and gives again another inspiration to all people and he celebrate his 40th anniversary with other performer like Usher, Britney Spears, Whitney Houston, Beyonce, N'Sync, and also Chris Tucker.I saw his face with power and excitement because he felt that all people were not forgot his musics but now he is dead, he is gone to this world but his body was gone but his music is in our hearts and Michael Jackson is hear in my heart and I feel him everytime.He is young when he died he was only 50. However they've been raised and by whom, he's got children. He's also got a big family-- we know the names of many of them and surely they're devastated. Millions of people all over the world have been moved by his music, and a lot of them are suffering right now, missing a piece of their lives, even if it's only one filled with a iconic pop figure. So this is a sad time. But man, and I feel guilty saying this, there's also just the slightest bit of relief: that a life that had always seemed like a lonely, twisted nightmare filled with suffering had finally come to end. What were the chances of him finding perspective after all this time? And, after chasing Thriller’s sales records for so long, making that his artistic and creative aim, what were the chances of him making music he was happy with again? How does a guy who wants to remain a kid forever, who started an endless course of plastic surgeries while still in his twenties, find a way to be a reasonably happy old man? When those comeback shows at O2 were announced earlier this year, I can't be the only one who felt a twinge of something in his gut, a sense that something horrible was going to go down. It was like seeing a friend who is a recovering addicts walking into a bar. People were braced for a train wreck, but not for this.
Take away the music, and Michael Jackson's life is just too sad to contemplate. Which is a very good argument for not taking away the music, ever? We're all going to die someday, too. So let's live. You start with "I Want You Back" and "ABC" and "I'll Be There". You go through the Jackson’s years with "Dancing Machine" and "Can You Feel It", and then a long stop at the incomparable Off the Wall. Jackson sang a small handful of tunes with a legitimate claim as the best pop song of the past 40 years, and "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough" is one of them. Then it's on to "Billie Jean" and "Beat It" and "Thriller" and "Wanna Be Startin' Something", and on through later hits: "Bad", "The Way You Make Me Feel", "Man in the Mirror", "Black or White", "Will You Be There", and sure, why not, "Gone Too Soon". Michael Jackson superhero, cartoon, singer, dancer, supremely troubled dude-- made all this music, and it's amazing.
So now as a fun of him, I'm very thankful to him because he gave me inspiration not only to encourage me to sing but to face all trials in our life whether if we feel so down don't be surrender, be brave and make be feel "bad" in the way of good and "beat it" all the trials in our life and also "don't stop till you get enough" and don't be "smooth criminal" be "Billie Jean" so that you are being a sweet lover and most of all you must "Heal the World" for the peace.
I am Rostok Vampire, I love to sing and play drums and also i love to drink with my friends.
Happiness by Darkangel
Every individual undergoes different stages of our lives, starting infant to toddler and childhood to teenage years. Well perhaps, I considered teenage years was one of the happiest chapter of my life moreover I learn to be physically, mentally, socially and emotionally developed. In like manner, happiness is what I've gain. Owing those memories from the persons of your life happiness is experienced. Being a teenager doesn’t mean that it is full of great things and good happenings in life. Many of us encountered different types of problems in different kind of situations. But for me, it’s just a part of my life, a challenge that I should overcome and a mission that I must accomplish.Doing all that things helps me to fulfill the empty space in my life and to get the happiness that I’ve been looking for.
Happiness is not gain through material things, position, power or success.Real happiness can be gain through acceptance and peace of mind. It is not a material reward, it is just a consequence. We become happy and contented with one work and life when we give happiness to others. If we will give a little love to them, it will all comes back to us. Happiness is something that cannot be bought even gold or silver, something we should praise of and something we must treasure. It is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, satisfaction, pleasure or joy.
Happiness is described as consisting of positive emotions and positive activities.There are numbers of attributes correlating to happiness such as relationships, social interactions, health, democratic freedom, optimism, religion or any involvement. It forms as a central theme and a state of ultimate freedom for suffering and everlasting peace which can only be achieved by overcoming craving in all forms. It is the end of human existence with God’s essence in the next life. Meanwhile some researchers found that fifty percent of ones happiness depends on ones genes and the remaining percentage is a combination of factors that are results of actions that individual engage for the purpose of being happy.
I think I should never let go of my dreams until I am ready to wake up and make it happen. Trials or chances in life are not meant to make us fall but to see how far wecan fly. Those chances won’t wait for us forever. If we will let everything pass us buy we will never find out how beautiful life can really be. We should not be afraid to get hurt because if we don’t risk something we will never gain anything. Happiness is the best memory that we can receive or achieve in our lives. Our life has so many great options but we don’t have to pick always what seems to be the best. We just have to pick whatever makes us really happy and it will be the best and the perfect choice. It’s easier to be happy if we can look beyond the imperfections rather than by trying to make everything perfect.
Darkangel is nice, thoughtful, obedient but sometimes naughty. She always wants everyone to be happy because for her, being happy can take away all the loneliness in our lives.
Freedom by hard2get
When you love someone, you love him as he is. I alone am perfect it is probably for that reason. That I know what perfection is. And that I demand less perfection of those poor people. I know how difficult it island how often, when they are struggling in their trials, how often do I wish and am I tempted to put my hand under their stomachs. In order to hold them up with my big hand. Just like a father teaching his son how to swim. In the current of the river. And who is divided between two ways of thinking. For on one hand, if he holds him up all the time and it he holds him up too much, The child will depend in this and will never learn how to swim. But if he doesn't hold him up just at the right moment. The child is bound to swallow more water than is healthy for him. In the same way, When I teach them how to swim amid their trials. I too am divided by two ways of thinking. Because if I am always holding them up, if I hold them up too often, they will never learn how to swim by themselves. But if I don't hold them up just at the right moment, perhaps those poor children will swallow more than is healthy for them. Such is the difficult, and it is a great one.
And such is the doubleness itself, the two faces of the problem. On the one hand, they must work out their salvation for themselves. That is the rule. It allows of no exception. Otherwise it would not be men. Now I want them to be manly, to be men, and to win by themselves. Theirspur of knighthood. On the other hand, they must not swallow more than is healthy for them, having made a dive into the ingratitude of sin. Such is the mystery of man's freedom say's God, and the mystery of my government towards him and towards his freedom. If I hold him up too much, he is no longer free. And if I don't hold him up sufficiently I am endangering his salvation. Two goods in a sense almost equally precious. For salvation is of infinite price. But what kind of salvation would a salvation be that was not free? What would you call it? We want that salvation to be acquired by him, Himself, man. To be procured by himself. To comes, in a sense from him. such is the secret;Such is the mystery of man's freedom. Such is the price we set on man's freedom. Because I myself am free, says God, and I have created man in my own image and likeness.
Such is the mystery, such the secret the price of all freedom. The freedom of that creature is the most beautiful reflection in this world of the creator's freedom. That is why we are so a proper price on it. A salvation that was not free, that did not come a free man could in any wise be attractive to us. What would it amount to? What would it means? What interest would such a salvation have to offer? Beatitude of slaves a salvation of slaves, a slavish beatitude, how do you expect me to be interested in that kind of thing? Does one care to be loved by slaves? If it were only a matter of proving my might is well enough that I am the Almighty. My might is manifest enough in all matter and in all events.
My might is manifest enough in the sands of the sea and in the stars of heaven. It is not questioned, it is known, and it is manifest enough in inanimate creation. It is manifest enough in the government, in the very event that is man. But in my creation which is endued with life, says God, I wanted something better, I wanted something more. Infinitely better. Infinitely more. For I wanted that freedom. I created that very freedom. There are several degrees to my throne. When you once have known what it is being loved freely, Submission no longer has any tasted. All the prostrations in the world are not worth the beautiful upright attitude of a free man as his kneels. All the submission, all the dejection in the world neither is nor equal in value to the soaring up point, the beautiful straight soaring up of one single invocation from a love that is free.
hard2get is just a simple girl that full of mistery,and she is strong and too hard to weigh down.Last but not the least, she has their own guts in her life.
d-oes not
2-two or more
e-nd not
t-o relief and belief in our life.
Thursday morning, I woke up in my bed at 7:30 am, I clean in every part of my body that I've wash for my self then I sat on dining room. I was thinking what am I do from school and it crash on my brain that this is the day we don't have College Algebra. I think I got home earlier because I thought that our last subject professor isn't attending for us, and my felling is decrease than I care everyday.
I was in a relax mood when I prepare and go to school. Because I belive my God is in my back, and I believe He won't let me go through evilness. I was in "jeep" at the earlier time of my class; it was 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon. In school I go to library, I read and I review the past lessons. But I was too tired to read and review I feel sleepy. After a few minutes my classmate came in library and he saw me too tired. He ask me "hey bro. did you finish our homework in College Algebra?" and I was shock on that sentence because I thought that our professor isn't attending, but he said "no! not thursday that is monday! You didn't here him? He didn't attend on monday because of his work." Then my blood pressure was too high! I think 200/120 pressure. I'm just joking. And I think to my self what am I do?
On that minute my will was turn on, and my will was fighting for my decision. It has a two choices that I'll do on that day, It's either I text my dad by using cellular phone to brought my book in school? Or I ignore that book because base on my hearth that it has a conciousness for my father. He has a lot of work in our house and my heart said "Don't you have a fear in your self, don't worry I guide you. Don't fear that thing because that is only a material, let you see your conciousness for your father that caring a heavy work on your house. And you said that God is in your back! He never let you go from evilness." Then I don't know what am I choose? And it crash again on my brain that "your mother has a 100% full support on your studies". I ask to my self that my mother spend much time, money and effort to build my study comfortable. Then I ask again to my self, what am I do?
And finnaly I choose to bring the book. I got my book and it is time of College Algebra subject, but sad to say that our professor didn't attend on that day. Its time to go home and of course I was very depressed to my decision. To the effort of my father and the worst of all I didn't trust my heart. And my heart speak to me "If you are in God don't worry to your family, God will save them from evilness because your faith is truly to God". I pray for God, and as you percent it, 50% I pray for God to happening in past hour. I said "God I'm so very sorry for the thing that I didn't expect. I'm sorry."
Finally at the end of that day, it has a moral lesson that I have learn, "In time of emergency or time that you don't realy expected the happening, ask deeply to your heart for whatis correct and specially trust God anything what happen on you, because if you are in God you are comfortable for any kind of step that you do. God is always in your back, He didn't let you go from the evilness." But if you understand deeply the two kinds that I have been choosing, it is the same correct. For example in the examination of values education, it has multiple choise that easy to understand but all of them are correct but there is one truly correct answer. At last a lesson was taken up on my self, my heart and specially God the Almighty of all, the only God in whole universe. God is love, Love is God
Crusade is not Handsome but Simple.
Blood pressure,
College Algebra,
Dining room,
Mobile phone,
Dating Complexities by Mint
Dating is a wonderful experience that an individual can experience with the opposite sex and it is the form of courtship.It give us to chance to explore each other word of different people.However we should know our limitation if we are going to date with someone.Yes it is good,but for me we should date only if we are ready for a commitment.And if you want take advantage special someone by sharing mutual respect.caring and support. Dating may be by singles events where a group of singles are brought together to take part in events for the purposes of meeting new people.Another set of date can be a Blind date where the people have not met each other.
At our age,we still dont know the meaning of dating.Maybe for some, it is just a game that is fun to play.For me, it is the window to marriage and to know each other.If you dont really like a person at first then you dont have a reason to date that person.You can know a person for some time even you dont is not imposed.If you dont like a person then you can never love him/her.Maybe you will care for that person but the feeling is not love for special someone.Commitment is a sacred relationship which needs serious special feelings.When we date we should think if the person we will dating with is the person we want to have commitment.
Many teenagers nowadays engaged in premarital sex on their first date resulting to early pregnancy and early marriage.To avoid this,we can practice group dating to avoid intimate moments with our friend.In group dating we can share joy,laughter and spend time something interesting.Sometime we can know our limitation in group dating.We should know if is good influence to our. Now, i want to ask,do you date just for a game or because you are ready to commit your self to that person whicd give you the very reason why you date him/her.Start thinking know to avoid early pregnancy and early marriage.
Mint a simple person, kind, strong to solve problem who has an ear willing to listen, and a hand willing to help.
Premarital sex,
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Time Machine by yabyik
Time is precious. Time is a treasure. Time is gold. The only thing you can never gain back is time. That’s why, it must not be wasted. Everyone knows how important time is. All of us must be very careful in using it. Despite this awareness, not everyone uses his or her time properly. I admit that I am one of those people who have trashed too much opportunities and chances in life. Moreover, I know, everyone wishes to have another chance to turn back time and change the past.
What if, time machines really exist? Where are you going to use it? What part of your past, would you possibly go? If and only if, I would be given an opportunity to possess a time machine, I will not use it to go back to my childhood days. The times where I am still not aware of the painful realities in life. Where my life is out of worries, anxieties, and pain. I also do not intend to turn time back to my most successful days. The times when I felt that, I am the best, where different achievements had become a collection. There is also no turning back to the most cheerful moments of my life. The times when mom and I were still okay and nothing built between us but love. Those were also the times where my mother had become my idol, my guide, my protector, and most especially, my best friend. Even though, until now I’m still confused on how mom and I reached the point of treating each other as strangers, I won’t go back there.
If I possess a time machine, where am I going to use it? I have experienced lots of vicissitudes in my life. I’m also one of the limited persons, who luckily got the chance to taste perfection. Neither will I ever use the time machine just to change nor to maintain them. If there is only one thing in my past, where I would choose to go with the use of time machine, the only thing that I love to experience repeatedly, is the time when I had my first dance with my father. It is the most unforgettable; most cherished, and will always be the happiest memory I could have. That was the time when I realized my worth. Dad made me feel that moment that despite trials and sufferings, I could overcome them all. He taught me how to become strong on the weakest part of myself. He made me believe that nothing and no one can stop me in living on my own. He opened my eyes to let me see that living in this world is not the worst. He made me feel that I am not a mistake.
I’ve danced a lot of person before but no one can replace the way dad danced with me, because that moment, I knew, inside my heart, I was loved. No one can love me like my father did. If through this device I could get another chance to feel that love once more, I will never waste it. My longing to hold him again is breaking me into pieces. If fate could just allow me to have one more chance to be with my father, surely I will grab it. If I could just steal one final glance, one final step, and another dance with him…I would probably play an endless song, because I know, it’s the only way, I could feel his unconditional love again.
Yabyik - A kind and sensible girl, bright in school and is always prepared for any trouble that may come. Naughty but sweet and has a cute smile. simple, moody but easy to be with. She likes to eat but she never gain weight. She spends her time at home sleeping, watching movies, and listening to music.
THERE'S ALWAYS HOPE by briannecruz03
We, people, are unexpectedly created by the God Almighty. We make mistakes and we do bad acts or things in our fellowmen. And in our lives, we can't avoid to have problems and different struggles and obstacles that make our life miserable.
I'm a kind of person who is silent, shy-type, coward and no confidence. sometimes, people around me notice that I'm a crazy one and unapproachable. What could really be the reason why am I like that? Problem. Right, it's problem. Financial problem, family problem, school problem, love problem, problem in friends, self problem...all kinds of problem! The big question is, how can I solve it? When the time my mind has been cleared, I remember a word, a word that can answer my question...HOPE.
Hope is a desire accompanied by expectations. If you have it, you have to be confidence that you will reach all the success and goals in your life. Don't let yourself be affected by the things that are happening around you. Always remember that "when there's life, there's always hope." We can lose our family, friends, loveones, and money but we can never lose...HOPE.
When there are times we failed in our tasks or jobs, we think that God left us behind sometimes. Most of the time, we just sit on a corner thinking of the best move or way to stand up. There are people who lost their strength and power to move and go on. Most of them thought that no one seemed to listen and help them. And we really feel the emptiness deep inside ourselves. We all know that confidence is important because it gives us courage to stand out. Dreams give us the will to pursue and love gives us the way of thanking the beloved God Almighty. But life itself is the only one whogives us HOPE.
"I'm passive and silent and I'm a person who is positive about every aspect of life. I like to sing, dance and read. And the most important is that I'm a God fearing and God servant." -- briannecruz03
The Real Value of Reason by nankurunaisa
Knowing how important education in life is is very important, however education is not enough to fill the real gap in reality. The people of education says that having a great standard of education opens the door to success and those who have the high degree of education will be successful in life
However, those who have the degree are not the powerful ones but those people who stand back and look at everything practically. These people are commonly found everywhere in the society, actually not every great man studied in school. There are great people who intended to spend time with the real life instead of spending time in the paper chase like Einstein, Bill Gates and Edison.
They said that after you graduated in college you will receive the fruit of your hard work however there are people who end up drinking liquor and beverages in sidewalk after receiving their diplomas. They believe success will come to your hand with a ball pen and a piece of paper. They thought that after studying, they’ll end up as a citizen in a different scale
Most of us study with no personal and valuable reason, we study because there is nothing we can do aside from studying. We keep pursuing something without having a reason to pursue it.
The true role of education is to prepare ourselves for the real challenges in life however having only education will now help you cross the bridge of life. Now knowing the meaning of the education you achieved in your life will cause the fissure of your life that will rapture you to the ground.
I still believe in the value of reason. Not having one might give you success but it will cause you regrets. Regrets that you will carry with your epitaph.
nankurunaisa, a stupid-looking person but is more dumb than what he looks like.
Academic degree,
Albert Einstein,
House for Rent by Masyado
Living away from wasn’t easy. It is lonely and a bit hard but also it is a learning experience. A test of independence. Now that I'm in college, I have to live in a boarding house together with my sister. It is our first time to live away from home. We decided to move out from our house to live closer to our respective schools and save transportation expenses. We go home to our house in Alabang once a week. My sister leaves the boarding house every Saturday morning and comes back Sunday night. I go home after my class in NSTP, Sunday, and I go back to that boarding house Monday afternoon.
Our room is little and its walls are colored pink so you may call it "pink cage". It only has four appliances, electric fan, light bulb, iron and our cell phones. It has a double-deck bed, a cabinet and a small table inside it. A picture of a house that is totally different from a home I used to grow up to. My first week in that cage is like a year of waiting for weekend to come. I really miss all my favorite shows. The loud heart pumping-out sound of our radio component. My noisy brothers. My charming pet dog. And most specially, my parents and my mom's cooking. I really miss everything about home. I really feel lonely in this cage. I feel so alone because I only see my sister during the night when she's back from school. I have no one to talk to.
I also have to be independent about the house chores I cannot expect anyone to that for me. Me and my sister share responsibilities but sometimes I just feel tired doing those so many chores. Ending up, wishing you were at home because mom would just do that for me. Especially when I have to wash my school uniform at night so that I could wear it tomorrow. I used to wake up and see food at the table but now I have to buy them or cook them for myself and afterwards wash the dishes. Living at our boarding house is so different from my life living at our home.
Outside our room are two other rooms with four other occupants. Even though, I'm sociable. It is still quite hard to live with other people whom you do not know. I have to share with them are common areas like the kitchen, bathroom and the laundry area. Well, they seem to be nice but it is just uncomfortable living with strangers. Now I know what homesick means. I’m trying to defeat my feeling by loving this new home and finding happiness through these things I’m with. Anyway, I think this what's growing up means. Being independent and taking responsibility for yourself. But I'm still looking forward for weekend to come and be back home.
"My friends calling me "masyado" because they said that Im too much of everything. I'am too much of what they expected. Im so naughty, lovable, and friendly but Im too complicated person. Too many person says that they don't understand me sometimes because Im so moody and sometimes Im so annoying. They hate me for being short tempered. ("Masyado daw ako sa lahat ng bagay.) but I know even if Im to tiring to be friend with there is someone who willing to be "martir" and love to who and what I am." -- Masyado
Youth: Future Leaders of the Land by Azhedhie
The youth of our generation holds the key for the greater development of our nation. While they are still young adults, the youth should be taught to be responsible citizens, as they will become our future leaders. They must be well trained – in their values, attitudes, and aspirations – to think ahead, for the common good.
The development of leadership potential is a slow and gradual process that must begin from early childhood. Our own perception of self-worth is heavily influenced by the expectations of our parents. Similarly, the actuations of our parents determine the kind of individuals we, children, will become. Our potential as leaders rests on the model set up by our parents, the older members of the community, and society at large. If parents are idealistic, if they believe in the supremacy of a higher being, in honesty, transparency, equality, justice, freedom and democracy, it is likely that their children will adopt those same values that are necessary for young people to become good leaders.
The question that continues to resonate is whether the young generation has the necessary experiences to take on the challenges of life. But this question need not be bothersome if the youth is given the training, opportunity and responsibilities to prepare them not only for future leadership but for them to be responsible members of the family first, before they become responsible members of the community and society. As I’ve said earlier, the home is where children are taught values that are prerequisites of good leadership.
It is important that the youth is given the opportunity to think and make decisions for themselves. Spoon-feeding them or dictating to them what needs to be done, or the answers to perplexing questions, will not help. But allowing them to think and express their opinions on certain issues, make for intelligent and thinking adult individuals.
The training involves having young people participate in decision-making processes – in the classroom, in the village or barangay associations, in church meetings. In such settings, they are exposed to different ideas, different people, different philosophies and religious beliefs, and they are able to evaluate, analyze, and decide for themselves what they want to do with their own lives. Most important, they learn to be accepting of people’s ideas and idiosyncrasies – something that is essential in exercising just leadership.
When young people are taught all that has been said here while they are young, they evolve into responsible members of society, negating the saying, “Youth is wasted in the young,” but affirming the belief that the youth are the future leaders of the land.
Azhedhie - Is a likeable young man. He is friendly, conscientious and diligent. At home he cleans his room and makes his bed by himself, and cooks his food when he comes home at night. He always sleep all morning. He budgets his time in doing daily activities including hangout parties after school.
Decision making,
Society and Culture,
Jabbawoakeez by Ball
On September 06, 2009, I heard in the news that the famous dance group Jabbawoakeez will have their Philippine debut in Glorietta Mall Makati. On that date also is the time that I have been waiting for the most admiring dance group will beat the Filipino fans.
I am so glad because I admire the group since then. And I decided to go there in the Glorietta with my friends before 4 pm although the show will start at exactly 6 pm. I expected that the venue will flow very much because there are a lot of people here who are the biggest fan of the group and I am proud to say that I am one of them.
The group is composed of 6 members and the 4 of them are Filipino. I am so very proud for those Filipino who belong in that group because Filipino can compete on any course that we can proud of it. The special guest performer is the hip-hop/R&B singer Billy Crawford who gives the show with his dance moves and the Michael Jackson alike moves.
The people are screaming to him but when the Jabbawoakeez called the huge crowd turned very crazy. The atmosphere of the show is quite squashing. I felt that I am in a rally because I am sweat and it’s really hot. The group is very great! I love their genuine moves and I can honestly say that I can’t help myself but to scream with the countless fans. Their energy is fantastic! Every move is a massive and even their costumes and the aura while performing on stage is also impressive! When the time that they remove their mass is also unforgettable! I finally saw their faces. The show is very great and I have a once in a lifetime experience that I sometime catch the group in our own country.
After the show, they thanked everybody for the unexpected support that they spread to them. I can’t manage to escape to the crowd because it’s so tight and it’s very hard to go in the front to see them more closely. I admit that I didn’t enjoy the show because it’s so crowded. But I fund memories that I’ve experience Jabbawoakeez fame era. But all in all, I have a good time. And I am glad that I am a part of that particular show that will be trademark to the Philippines Industry.
"I can turn around your life." -- ball
Do Friendship really Last? by Ms. Green
"Friendship is a building block of trust". Trust is a product from the bonding and sharing experiences with your friends or companion. Nowadays, we have many secrets that we can't tell or share to our family even in our relatives. Some of us say that everyone in this world is needing someone which can we lean on and to be affectionate to share ideas.
Friends are the genuine persons who there for us when we need a companion to talk to especially when we have a problem. They are also the persons that we can clasp and to be cried with without any shame. Between two or more persons friendship may build. But why many of us fall in love after friendship? That's the big question which constantly bothering my mind and my whole self. I believe that when friends fall in love its magic but when friends refuse to fall for each other its better than magic its called respect because they want to keep each other forever.
Secluded distance is a great hindrance to a friendship because there are times that we are downhearted and needing someone to talk to but our friends can't be there to our sides in a reason that they are far away from you or they have more important things to do than to be your friend.
This weekend, one of my friends had divulged his secret to me. It is that he has already developed to me and now crushes on me. I'm so shocked and I don't know what I am going to react. In addition, as far as I know him, he is hermaphrodite. That time the only thing that is in my mind is that he is only coaxing or teasing me. But after that he treats me a special girl with no doubt and with gallant to whatever I like to do. I decided to text my high school best friend for me to share my problem to him to deaden the loads in my shoulder. The day came that we are going to glance the face of each other again and to ratify our friendship in terms of sharing bonding. That is a rainy day and the rain is non stop. The bad day is obsolete between us to meet each other again. He decided to cancel our meeting because he is so concern to my health if we take the risk to go under a storm day.
Friendship really last if we can learn how to dainty manage it. In all of the friendship that we build hindrances are the things that test our trust to our friends. I learned how to cherish the memories that we made and the happy time that we shared together.
Ms. Green is a super fan of Harry Potter. She loves music and different categories of art. She also loves to read books (fiction and best seller’s books).
Harry Potter,
High school,
Kids and Teens,
School Time
My Ways of Life by bherlyn
When I was studying in Tarlac, I was second year high school, We have a field trip to baguio on that day our christmas party, my teacher ang then we decided together to celebrate our field trip and christmas party in baguio, because it was our first to visit that place, I wander and excited to see the big beautiful rocks and high beautiful mountains, it was so cold in baguio for it was the month of december and there we made our party, we're so happy and enjoyed very much to see diffirent beautiful places and we also visit the burnham, park and there we rode a boat. we spend 2 days in baguio.
When i comes, I slept with my classmates in our bus service while our adviser teacher told diffirent stories for us. when the third day comes we go back to tarlac. there in tarlac i experienced to go seen different and far places because of my uncle wants me to go with him and visits other relatives and we have reached also in pampanga to visit my other relative in the other day, we have visited that place together with my classmates and teacher and there we've seen the stage play of noli me tangere which was funny and sad story play. it was a beautiful stage play, i've watch it in a actual, a true to life story.. not like a movie but a true story. i've pitted sisa when she become crazy while looking for his two sons, Crispin and basilio.. for these was required for filipino subject.
And after that i didn't know that my uncle was already in SM CLARK,PAMPANGA was waiting for me to come home..and after i said my good byes to my teacher as well in my classmates. i told them also that i will be with my uncle, before going home. we go first to duty free to buy some stuffs for his sons. aftter a few days, we go back to tarlac.. i've been in pangasinan also, i stayed with my sister.. we are so happy spending almost a day in beach with my family.. i'm so happy looking at the beautiful waves of the beach.. after a few days we go back to samar.. i'm so happy to see my friends in elementary and i decided to finish my secondary years there.. and after i finish that, my family decided to sent me here in manila to my tertiary.. the things that happen in my life was so unforgettable.. and i treasure it a lot..
bherlyn is a simple girl, a God fearing too.. a happy go lucky and loving friend
Field trip,
High school,
Noli Me Tangere,
love takes time by nozomi.hayashi
There's a right time for everything.. Time for fun, Time to study and Time for falling in love.. We, youths are too young to think about it. We should focus first on our studies.. According to my own experience, falling inlove at this moment was like a having what you want but you can't.. I, myself experience that feeling.. I felt like I'm in heaven, He's always there for me, saying sweet nothings, supporting each other.. We are almost a perfect couple, but it was not..
I realized that it was too early for me to think about it or too young to fall in love.. maybe God let me felt being hurt for me to realized that there's someone better than him and someone whom really meant for me.. if love is true, it will lasts.. if it's not true it will not..Love comes unexpectedly, and I'm sure that when that right time comes, I'm ready to give it all
Now, I'm very happy with my family and friends.. They make me feel so special and precious.. They make fall in life as well.. Know it's importance.. thank you for everything, supporting, guiding and comforting me when I'm on my emptiness.. I'm satisfied on the things happen in my life..
You, I would to thank you as well!! I know that you treat me as your princess, maybe it happen because where not yet ready for it or We are not really meant for each.. I hope that you'll be happy like me.. I know that you'll find that special Girl when your ready to face the consequences behind it and conquers it all..
love is a feeling that cannot be defeated if it is really meant for you.. and true love really waits.. It really waits.. Love takes time..
nozomi.hayashi is a spongebob addict, a loving and caring dauhter and friend.
Cyber Relationships,
Kids and Teens,
Make a Difference (M-A-D) by transient writer
Humans are created in this world uniquely and perfectly in the eyes of the creator, although, people seldom complain about their personal imperfections. People judge aesthetic beauty using their eyes, and not by their heart. They tried to be good in the eyes of others, yet imperfections appeared when nobody sees them. People idolized persons that seemed perfect in their eyes; likewise, they even copied the way of living of their idols. Idolization is not awful, only if, nobody is being harmed or destructed. Sometimes, the thinking of impossibility hinders us in order to stand on own replica. However, if we only craving for possibility of all our wants, it will happen. Nothing is impossible for those persons who believed on themselves that they can. Obstacles are given in our life, nonetheless, these obstacles are our stepping stones in order to make us difference. Everyone is part of the whole, thus, what is different are the characters of each individual.
MAD - stands for "Make a Difference". These words must manifest on your own. However, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to be a superhero in order to be different with the others. Rather, you’re just leaving your personal footprints as an instrument of change. An idea that you initiated might contribute a constant pattern for others.
Looking forward on your given path, and believing that it was right compared to the majority. A saying from Uta Hagen, “We must overcome the notion that we must be regular... it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary and leads you to the mediocre”. A vision of becoming starts on being a different with others. Dare to be MAD- Make a difference!
"I am a God-fearing individual, a friendly person, and easy to get along with. A person who has heart to serve others. An adventurer, and a dreamer who believes that everything is possible. I am a goal oriented individual who wants an immediate response in every task that I engage in. However, I am also a person who is easily to disappoint when things that I made was out of my plan." -- transient writer
Visual perception,
Pollutants are subatances that poison the air, water, and soil. Different human activities result in the production and release of these substances in the environment.
Pollutants are released in the air by chemical plants, steel, oil refineries, danger waste burners and automobiles. Pollutants are released when equipment leaks,when you fill your tank and drive your car, or when waste is given off from a factory. Through smoke pipes.
Air pollutants are released in large amount of enough to be deadly. Inhaling air pollutants can cause serious health problems, such as cancer, birth defects, immediate death, and other serious illeness. Water pollutants include mercury,lean, oils sulfuric acid cement and chemicals from gasoline. Some other manufacturing factories use large quantities of fresh water to carry away wastes of many kinds. The water with waste is released into, lakes, or oceans, which in turn spread the pollutants. Water pollutants poison our oceans, seas. rivers and lakes.
Tropical forests are especially important in global economy. Tropical forest are noted for their beautiful woods. These woods are commonly used for furniture, molding, paneling, flooring, boats, pulp, particle-board, and even matches to name a few. Tropical forest are home to tribal hunter. Gatherers whose ways of life have been relatively unchanged for centuries. These people depend on the forest for their livelihood. Millions of people also live in areas around tropical forest. They rely on the forest for their water, fuel, and agriculture. The urban, dwellers, tropical forest provide water for domestic use and hydro electric power. Their scenic beauty, educational value, and opportunities for outdoor recreation support tourist industry. Many medicines and drugs came from plants found only in tropical rain forest. Many more maybe found.
Forest are biological communities of trees with other plants and animals that have evolved together forever over millions of years. Because of the worldwide lodd of tropical forests, thousands of plants and animals species are threatened with extinction.
trees, the largest of all land plants,act as a kind ofenvironmental for the ecosystem hey dominate.Trees complement animals un the global environment mammals take in oxygen that the plants release in the air and exhale the carbon dioxidethat the plants use in their rowth processes and store in carbon in woody plants return oxygen to the atmosphere as a waste product.This process known as photosynthesis is essential to life carbon captured from the atmosphere by photosynthesis is eventually recycled through the environment in a process known as the carbon cycle.trees have an especially important role in the carbon cycle.Trees,leaves also act as filters to remove atmospheric pollutants from the air.Tropical forest actually influence the climate the enormous number of plants found in the rainforest return huge amounts of water to theatmosphere,increasing,humidity and cooling the air for miles around.In addation,tropical forest replenish the air by utilizing carbon dioxide and giving.By fixing carbon,they help maintain the atmosphere and being low the global green house effect.forest also moderate stream flow.When trees are cleared, rainfall ruins off more quickly,contributing to floods and erosion.
rukiya is a simple girl, and it has a simple dream. she likes friendly person,funny,and it has faith in god.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Was it Romantic or Purely Platonic?
A review [more of a reflection] of the stage play entitled Ismail and Isabel presented by the Philippine Educational Theater Association shown at PETA Theater Center on August 30, 2009, 3:00 pm.
It was almost 9:30 pm at Acacia Lane. There were drops of rain subtly falling from the sky. It was dark but bravely dim. “Ominous weather,” I told myself. Whenever a public utility vehicle stopped, a lot of people would try to push other passengers to get a seat for themselves. Luckily, I was spared of the body wrestling and my butt was given barely half a seat. I was trying to comfortably settle on my prize when a child, barely 12 years old, entered the vehicle. He slowly walked down the narrow isle distributing envelopes with a short letter: “Koya, pangkain lang po.” The letters were barely readable – I could easily imagine how the boy tried his best to scribble down the note. I told myself, “Here’s another Ismail and Isabel, another victim – perhaps not of a war in Mindanao – but of another greater and more complicated battle against poverty, crises, and social injustice.”
I asked the boy what his name was. And in an almost inaudible voice, he said, “Toto po.” I looked at the people around me and noticed that no one really got bothered to even look at Toto. “Poor boy,” my mind whispered to myself. “His heart will be as empty of sympathy as his envelopes of pennies.” I could blame no one. Everyone looked so tired and weary that, at that moment, the sole individual concern was to go home safely to lay his or her back – and be dead until the next morning.
“Toto?” I repeated. The boy simply nodded.
Instead of putting some coins in his envelope, I gave him the crackers I had in my bag. Not far from where he rode with us, he collected all the empty envelopes and get off the jeepney as fast as he could. In a second or two, he was gone – out of sight, but not from mind. Not of my thought about Toto, or of Ismail and Isabel. Words began to find their paths to weave questions in my head: Was he also from Dilangawen? Does he also dream of adventures? Does he also try to fill his wanting stomach with folktales? Or has he readily stopped dreaming and hoping that someday he could make his own great and triumphant story to tell? “How would he,” I reflectively said, “if his immediate concern is how to live today so that he could at least see the flickering light of someday.” I made sense I know.
The narrative of Ismail and Isabel, or of Toto’s story, is not a new thing for Filipinos. The conflict in Mindanao has become an endless story about grieving parents, abused children, and dying civilians. Many, if not all, have become like my co-passengers at the jeepney – numb and oblivious of all that is happening in the South. Why? Because the war has readily become like a social norm in the Philippines. Filipinos have become adapted to it. Or simply put – in an artistic language – the war in Mindanao has become a piece of story devoid of aesthetic elements – of creativity, primarily.
Ismail and Isabel may not be a new tale of struggle, but its presentation was fresh and dynamic. I might not have seen the adeptness in the actors’ stage performances, but I have felt their awareness of what they were presenting. They were not really professionals yet, but their intentions to ingrain in our hearts the strong message of the alms seekers transcended the boundaries of professionalism. I also could not help but admire Rody Vera on his idea that – amidst our worries that the victims of war may lose access to basic needs such as shelter, food, and clothing – the bigger concern are not really those but that these children may lose their “power to dream, to imagine, and to hope.”
“It was not a bad idea that our longing for material needs could be substituted by the abundance of our imaginations’ produce,” the implied said of the play. But I said, “What if the minds could no longer work to produce and weave consumable literature? Besides, will the seed of written art sprout in a hungry mind which is no different from a barren soil?”
I must say the performers were cool. They were just great – terribly great. For their age, they definitely deserve applause and approval. Despite their squeaking voices and not so identifiable voices, I must say they have the talents to reflect emotions. The choreography was also one thing worthy of our respect. No doubt Carlon Matobato is a pro. Sometimes though, I couldn’t make sense on why they needed to do summersaults and break dancing. It made a show within a show. Were those really needed?
And the last, issue into which all my reviews will boil into: The relationship between Ismail and Isabel that the narrative would want to tell. Was it romantic or purely platonic? Was it the opposite sex kind of love or the brotherly-sisterly love? In some acts, the play would almost always like to suggest that the two characters would end up together as lovers. But when the audience was about to be convinced, Isabel would suddenly call Ismael as “Kuya,” instantly dismissing the tingling feeling from the viewers. What was really that? Did the play really want to say that amidst crime, violence, and war, there would always be a hope, a romantic love that would bloom?
Where’s Miss Maribel Legarda? Can you rewind the show and further explain the issue for us?
This essay was submitted to Dr. Del Fierro as a requirement for her class in Foundations of Language.
Public utility,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
About a Guy by Trixie
There are just no other pair of eyes you'd die to see gazing at you...such sweet conversations crowding your mind over and over again…thoughts of you together lingering on your memory…warm hands over yours, red lips blowing your cheeks, loving arms around your waist, hugging you tight. What was the feeling? Heaven, certainly. Then there are those times when life seems so easy, everything’s light, nothing could go wrong and everything is perfectly fine. Moments that you’d wish the day would never end and you will be grateful if you’re stuck on that time forever. Remembering the laughter, reminiscing the smiles, about the minutes you’d just sit for a while looking at each other’s eyes as if you already understood what those gazes means. When during your agony, he’s the one shoulder you’d cry on, one who lend you hid ears if you have problem, one that carries your burdens and loads. He who greatly appreciate your jokes. He whose sense of humor makes your stomach hurt and your eyes teary of laughter. During those rainy days he would accompany you home, not letting even a single drop of rain fall unto your shoulders, giving you his jacket even if he’s freezing cold. Those funny faces he can make and cute grins he does when you’re not on the mood makes you realize that you shouldn’t be too serious because there’s still tomorrow and by with him the better would be the best.
Remember how he touched you are upon seeing his beaming face on your doorstep. He cares to pass by just to say I Love You and look if you’re okay. Your heart wanted to leap the day he whispered in your ear, “You’re that one single girl I spend my life with.” But you’re too speechless to reply, “you’re that one single guy I’d love and cherish for eternity.”
But those things are just memories now, taken way back yesterday, before the day he decided to settle on his own. Your smiles are put to an end and all your hopes came crashing down like the sand castle devoured by the raging waves. All that was around you once colorful but now were all turned to black and the sweet humming song on your ears is now a lyric without a tune. Your heart is filled with emptiness; your face is traces with pain. You’re laughing but you’re unhappy, you ca touch but you can’t feel, you are breathing but your not alive. You find it hard waking up every morning because it is the day you have to face him again…wearing your scripted smiles and rehearsed words telling him you’re okay now, you can stand on your own. You dreaded the thought of seeing him happy, hearing him laugh like nothing happened while you are in that corner sitting in despair, easing the pain. Each time you witness his presence there goes that desperate longing to have him close to you again, feel his warm breath again. You wanted to hug him all over again… but reality bites he’s not yours now, and he’s with someone else now. You would die to see them together, wishing you were there beside him. You wanted to scream, but there is nothing you can do. Just look him with her. ;’c
"Me, as a person , I must say I’m true to my self. I really don’t imitate styles of others and became a copycat in many ways. Being the real me is the real deal and that’s what I’m keeping everyday. I love myself." -- Trixie
I Love You,
Mailing Lists,
"My Wonderful Days" by Bia
The school of Basey National High School is my dear alma mater,where I started to enjoy mylife, with my funny classmates.In my first year high school days, sometimes we are not so serious in our study, we always hang-out everywhere and do everything we want to do, bonding everywhere, we shared those comedy stories, jokes rather than to study our lessons. Mostly everyone of us was not intended to read books. I thought if how's my condition when it comes a fourth year student? because during our T.L.E subject, I saw those fourth year students make a delicious cake as their project and I'm insecured to them in those activity that they made.I know that the time will come that i will experience that kind of activity they had made.
When I reached my second year, third and fourth year, I tried to stand on my own, for my family have no time for me in attending whatever school activity, so I my own did it for me. Like when the enrollment comes, I myself tried to talk to a person who is attended in that particular arrangement of my papers to comply my needs and when my school days comes whatever the school administration calls for parents to attend meetings. I myself pretended that my parents is on my side but in truth my purpose is just to listen for what must my parents will contribute on what will be the result of a particular school assembly for Parents and Teachers together for school organization.Now and then, I've experience a lot, with my schoolmates, classmates, teachers and more teachers loves me during my high school life, sometimes one of my teacher wants me to live in their house, but more I love my grandma, I can't leave her whatever happen.
To my every subject, I wished to have a good grades in every grading periods that I liked to see in my report cards, but in what way i can get a good grades? Then, I realized that I can't reached those grades I had dreamed if i did not study hard and try to become intended in this hobby. Through my faith and hardwork I overcome it. Then I started to shared my knowledge to my classmates and I started to become serious and responsible student. Especially in my fourth year high school for we are still graduating , we must aware in evrything for what is happening. Currently, maybe we are in critical situation for choosing the careerfor our future. Even there are times that we're in a difficulty in life living, we had been enjoyed our days while we're being solved the problems.
I still remember my happiest moments that we had been together with my classmates when my classmate invited us to their fiesta. We walked together to their far place where they had been celebrate their fiestas. We're so much excited & enjoyed on that occassion, there's a lot of people are happy, there is a closeness of friends, relatives, and togetherness for the whole barangay. Then, we enjoyed eating delicious different kinds of foods, then go to different beautiful places, chuch, gymnasium, where we saw different games, carnabals, the beautiful beaches, I heard and saw the wonderful sound of sea waves on sea shores. Suddenly, when the graduation came, most of us didn't like to far apart each other, 'coz we missed each others in those days that we'd been together during our laughters and fears the emotions that we had. Some of my classmates saying "Hope it will back to the future".
Thus, most of us are not ready to enter college life. High school is different to college life., it is facing a challenges and careern and excitement, sometimes fear. But in high school full of enjoyment and laughters. Then, I relaized that there is no way to progress in dicontinous studying. And now, i accept that improvement is needed. No matter how difficult it is to face challenges in this profession. Therefore, now and then following my destiny and my wonderful days of life wiht my faith and love to God.
BIA is a first year college student in Rizal Technological University and was enrolled in College of Nursing. She is a trying hard person to all things that she would like to do. She had a blue eye. She is a simple girl but beautiful, brave and humble. She likes a person who are thruth not fake. She like a color pink that symbolize joy. Her hobby is writing and reading English Novels and Bible.
Barbie Doll by Vicious Andy
When I was young, I used to believe in pixies and fairy tales. Everyday was a play day; paper dolls, tea parties, dressing up, cartoons, Disney princesses: Jasmin, Aurora, Snow White, Cinderella, Rapunzel, and the like. But, there’s this person who caught most of my attention, and I call her Fiona.
Fiona and I met during my fifth birthday because my cool mom introduced her to me. Ever since then, she became my best chum or should I say I tried to become her alter ego. I brought her everywhere I went; we’re together from the time I sleep until I woke up. Besides, we share everything; I bathe, and dress her up, and I even impart to her all my thoughts and deepest secrets. She just looked at me, smiled, and speechless. Every day seems to be a routine, same face, and same expression. But behind her silence is an incomparable beauty: from her smooth blonde hair with bangs, tantalizing eyes with perfectly combined pink and purple eye shadow, rosy cheeks, kissable lips, fair skin, and sexy body complete with fashionable outfits, fabulous earrings, bracelets, rings, high hills, and other accessories. For me, she’s truly a goddess, superstar in her own way. I’m dying to be like Fiona, and I even tried to surpass her.
One time, when I was alone in our house, I went inside my mom’s room, raided her closet; put on make ups; wear dangling earrings, pearl and gold necklaces, bangles, watches, cocktail dresses, sleeveless, spaghetti straps, halter, which are already long gowns and dresses to me; high heels, and other accessories. In front of the mirror, the room transformed into a stage, and the spot light was focused on me. Pose here, there, and everywhere; I’m now the catwalk princess. At an early age, I’m already trying hard to be a lady, and Fiona has been proud of me as she looks at me with her usual expression, smiling yet speechless.
One day, I stepped out of the box where I kept myself for a long time. I realized that pixies never exist, fairytales seldom happened, and I can never be a Barbie enclosed in my own fancy world. I’m sick and tired of talking to lifeless creature: no heart, brain, and soul. Looks can be deceiving as what they say, but how can I envy such thing when I can utilize my senses: I have eyes that can see; nose that can smell; mouth that can talk; arms that can move freely; and, legs that can walk. I’m alive and free! No one can control me. Despite everything, Fiona still lingers in me, her speechlessness and smile that hides her true feelings, which defines what material she’s made of—plastic!
Vivacious Andy - I'm an optimistic person, a girl whose life is more than just happy; I like to do a lot of things that I’m interested in like dancing, fashion, party and art. I also tend to do a lot of things that I don’t do much so that I will learn more about them. Furthermore, I’m a loving daughter, sister, and a friend who's always there to listen, the one who has loads of laugh, always fooling around when nothing to do and do random things. I'm just a simple person who likes to have a cool life.
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