Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do Friendship really Last? by Ms. Green

"Friendship is a building block of trust". Trust is a product from the bonding and sharing experiences with your friends or companion. Nowadays, we have many secrets that we can't tell or share to our family even in our relatives. Some of us say that everyone in this world is needing someone which can we lean on and to be affectionate to share ideas.

Friends are the genuine persons who there for us when we need a companion to talk to especially when we have a problem. They are also the persons that we can clasp and to be cried with without any shame. Between two or more persons friendship may build. But why many of us fall in love after friendship? That's the big question which constantly bothering my mind and my whole self. I believe that when friends fall in love its magic but when friends refuse to fall for each other its better than magic its called respect because they want to keep each other forever.

Secluded distance is a great hindrance to a friendship because there are times that we are downhearted and needing someone to talk to but our friends can't be there to our sides in a reason that they are far away from you or they have more important things to do than to be your friend.

This weekend, one of my friends had divulged his secret to me. It is that he has already developed to me and now crushes on me. I'm so shocked and I don't know what I am going to react. In addition, as far as I know him, he is hermaphrodite. That time the only thing that is in my mind is that he is only coaxing or teasing me. But after that he treats me a special girl with no doubt and with gallant to whatever I like to do. I decided to text my high school best friend for me to share my problem to him to deaden the loads in my shoulder. The day came that we are going to glance the face of each other again and to ratify our friendship in terms of sharing bonding. That is a rainy day and the rain is non stop. The bad day is obsolete between us to meet each other again. He decided to cancel our meeting because he is so concern to my health if we take the risk to go under a storm day.

Friendship really last if we can learn how to dainty manage it. In all of the friendship that we build hindrances are the things that test our trust to our friends. I learned how to cherish the memories that we made and the happy time that we shared together.


Ms. Green is a super fan of Harry Potter. She loves music and different categories of art. She also loves to read books (fiction and best seller’s books).
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